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Scientific Calculators

Casio fx-83 GT CW Blue
This scientific calculator is the new improved upgraded version of the Casio FX 83 GT X. The main improvements to the Casio fx 83 GT CW Blue are improved navigation and a high definition display with 4 gradations. This scientific calculator is allowed in key stage 3 and 4. Battery powered, AAA battery included. Offered at £9+vat=10.80
From £10.92 incl vat
Casio fx-83GT CW Pink
This scientific calculator is the new improved upgraded version of the Casio FX 83 GT X. The main improvements to the Casio fx 83 GT CW Pink are improved navigation and a high definition display with 4 gradations. This scientific calculator is allowed in key stage 3 and 4. Battery powered, AAA battery included. The prices quoted below are INCLUSIVE of VAT
£12.48 incl vat
Casio fx-83GT-CW Grey
Casio fx-83GT-CW classwiz grey scientific calculator is the latest version of the Casio fx -83, it replaces the Casio FX 83GTX. The additional features it includes are a high-definition display and improved menu navigation. It is battery powered(included) comes with a hard protection cover. This is also available in 3 colours, Greys, Blues and Pinks. It is permitted in GSCE exams and many other examinations. Next day delivery available.
From £11.04 incl vat
Casio fx-85GT CW
Casio fx 85GT CW replaces the Casio fx 85GTX scientific The additional features this newer model include a high definition display and improved menu navigation. This calculator is allowed in every UK exam where a calculator can be used. Recommended and approved for Key Stages 3 & 4 (including GCSE, National and Higher, Junior levels. This is a solar and battery powered calculator. 40+ units £10.30+vat per unit
From £12.36 incl vat
Casio fx-991CW
The Casio fx-991 CW is the new upgraded version of the Casio fx-991 EX (Casio’s most advanced scientific calculator), containing additional features, to include a high definition display and improved menu navigation. Approved for Key stages 3, 4 and 5, recommended for Advanced GCSE, A/AS level and Highers. Allowed in every UK exam where a calculator can be used. The large Natural Textbook Display shows mathematical expressions like roots and fractions as they appear in your textbooks which increases comprehension because results are easier to understand. Clip-on on protective hard cover included 540+ functions Dual powered, solar with battery backup and Auto power-off.
From £22.80 incl vat
Casio fx-83GT-CW
Casio fx-83GT-CW classwiz scientific calculator is the latest version of the Casio fx 83, it replaces the Casio fx 83GTX. The additional features it includes are a high-definition display and improved menu navigation It is battery powered(included) comes with a hard protection cover. This is also available in 3 colours, Greys, Blues and Pinks. It is permitted in GSCE exams and many other examinations. Prices: 1-5 units £9.90+vat =£11.88, 5-79 units £9.20+vat=£11.04, 80+ units £9.15+vat=£10.98 Next day delivery available.
From £10.86 incl vat
Sharp EL 531THB -WH Calculator
The EL 531THB- WH is a calculator from Sharp designed for simplicity and ease of use, offers many quality features, such as: Direct algebraic logic. 2 line display. Function matrices. Multi line playback. 272 functions. Battery power Also available in class sets of 30 calculators. Please message us for more information.
From £5.04 incl vat
Genie 52SC Scientific Calculator
Scientific calculator with 2 year warranty. best value scientific calculator Features: Battery powered, approx: 14.2 x 7.5 x 1.5, approx 90 g, accumulating memory, sq. root, % and +/-, SCI, FIX, NORM functions, trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, hyperbolic functions, statistical function, random number generator.
£5.76 incl vat
Sharp EL-W531TLB-BK Writeview Scientific Calculator
WriteView ELW531B Scientific Calculator. Scientific calculator. 4-line display. 3-digit punctuation. 335 functions and 2 key rollover. Logs any base. Deg-Rad-Grad. Deg-Min-Sec. Logs Base E Base 10. Variable statistics. Regression models. Statistics graphs. Advanced statistics tests. Set decimal place. Trigometric functions. Hyperbolics. Factorials. Random numbers. Direct algebraic logic. Percentage key. Change sign (+/-). Battery-operated. is LR44 (x1). WxDxH: 79.6x161.5x15.5mm. Prices 1-9units7.50+vat= £10.00, 10+units is £7.10+vat=£8.52
From £9.18 incl vat
Helix Oxford Scientific Calculator
Features: 240 functions, 2 line, large display, Shows 10 digits + 2 digit exponents, Suitable for both key Stage 3 & 4 Mathematics, The two-line display makes it possible to view both the calculation formula and its result at the same time, Ideal for both basic and scientific calculations, Hard protective sliding cover, Durable, plastic keys, Auto power off and Replaceable batteries. Suitable for GCSE. £5.60+vat per unit
From £6.72 incl vat
Sharp EL 501 TB-VL Calculator
Ideal calculator for the junior student, the Sharp EL501TB is an easy to use. black / white colour. This calculator is also available in class sets of 30 units. It combines 131 functions with an uncluttered keyboard making and together with a large ‘=‘ button helps students to minimise any wrong key presses.
From £6.72 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30X-IIB Scientific Calculator
Scientific calculator with equation recall combines statistics and advanced scientific functions. Two-line display shows entries on the top line and results on the bottom line. Entry line on the top of the display shows up to 11 characters and can scroll left and right up to 88. Result line on the bottom shows up to a 10-digit answer and 2-digit exponent. Functions include common/natural logarithms, fractions, fraction/decimal conversions, degrees to decimal conversion, reciprocals, factorials, grads, hyperbolics, polar/rectangular conversions. Fraction feature allows operations with fractions and mixed numbers. Calculator runs on solar and battery power.
£22.50 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30XS Multiview Calculator
The key Features of Texas Instruments TI-30XS Multiview are: *Four-line display *One- and two-variable statistics *MathPrint™ feature *Fraction/decimal conversion *Step-by-step fraction simplification *Edit, cut and paste entries *Solar and battery powered
£23.00 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30 ECO RS Scientific Calculator
Made out of 100% recycled plastics. One-line, 10-digit display. Fraction features. One-variable statistics. Conversions. Basic scientific and trigonometric functions. Ideal for secondary school students
£18.00 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30 XA Scientific Calculator
The TI30XA Scientific Calculator comes with a range of functions for solving complex equations and includes a 10-digit display with one variable statistic. Perfect for use in secondary school and higher. This calculator has an appealing modern and practical design and is easy to use, sure to be popular with students. Conversions available are factions, decimals, degrees, radians and many more. . Easy to use practical design . 10 digit display . Conversions: fractions, decimals; degrees, radians, Grads; degrees-minutes seconds, decimals, degrees. . Hard plastic tamper proof keys
£15.50 incl vat
HP10S+ Scientific Calculator
Scientific Calculator with twin line display. 240+ built-in functions. Solar powered with battery back up. Protective slide-on hard case. Ideal for GCSE maths and science.
£16.80 incl vat £8.44 incl vat
Canon F-718SGA
264 Functions, Dual Power, 4-Line Display. Power source: Solar/Battery Material Plastic Item dimensions L x W x H 16.8 x 8 x 1.4 centimetres
£26.40 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30X PRO MV Calculator
The Texas Instruments TI-30X PRO Multiview is an advanced 4-line display calculator with engineering, higher-level math and science functionality
£29.00 incl vat
HP SmartCalc 300S Scientific Calculator
Scientific calculator with 249 functions to help solve your maths problems from basic to complex. Textbook Format Display (TFD) which shows maths expressions onscreen just like they would appear on paper. Logical and easy to use, with a smart and intuitive layout for easy learning. Solar powered with battery back up for optimal reliability. Ideal for use with algebra, trigonometry, statistics and perfect for GCSE maths and science subjects.
£9.99 incl vat
Texas Instruments 30 XB Multiview Scientific Calculator
TI-30XB MultiView™ is the new battery-powered scientific calculator that combines statistics and scientific functions with a Multi-line Display. * Up to four line MultiView Display. * Basic scientific, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. * Multi-line screen for illuminating patterns or differences in maths or even seeing previous calculations. * Two-variable statistics: Enter/delete/insert/edit individual statistics data elements. * “Equation Recall” feature allow
£19.99 incl vat
Sharp EL W506 B Writeview Scientific Calculator
Sharp's advanced scientific calculator using write view display technology, features include integration, differentiation, complex numbers, irrational numbers, matrix calculations, list features for statistics and algebra and much more!
£22.00 incl vat
HP 15c Scientific calculator Collector's Edition.
The HP-15c scientific calculator has been reintroduced by HP in collectors edition. This RPN HP15c offers a high end and portable scientific calculator with programmable functions. Free shipping
£111.00 incl vat


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